Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sipeh Emo Morning turns Sipeh Ironic

This is kind of the sequel to No Means Yes which was my last post. I find this story as amusing and educational as the last story so hope you guys have the patience to go through it. =)
You all might know by now that I like to start off with a little background, show the setting of the story, getting yall in the mood before getting into the plot, so here goes.

Worked out almost whole of yesterday. Might be due to the Olympic spirit, but i think it's mostly because I was already done with my usual sets of exercises, then my mom forced me to go to the gym with her because she's so self conscious and do not want to go alone. So i figured, since I'm there, might as well make the most of it. Was so friggin' tired but still caught up with the USA vs Angola, Germany vs Greece and Argentina vs Australia match. The USA vs Angola match was a blowout of course, but I love watching blowout matches by the USA team because of the spectacular dunks and alley-oops. After watching the matches I was dead tired, but still do the usual like replying messages, chatting awhile, checking mail, etc till it was quite late before sleeping. *For those who do not know what is pgl, it stands for pi gao lan, a very commonly used phrase to describe wasting time. For more info ask the pgl king, Fei Hai aka Cheng Fong.

Even though I went to bed pretty early (for me) which was around 2am, I just couldn't find the right feeling to fall asleep and was tossing around the whole night. You know, doing the usual rituals to try and fall asleep, covering and not covering with blanket, changing pillows/directions, blinking/ counting sheep to get bored, etc till I finally slept. BUT, I actuallly woke up at 7 and was unable to sleep again. I was thinking, somebody must be cursing me and I made my way down to make some breakfast. Even the french toast that I made for myself ended up becoming half-burnt! And at this point I was starting to get frustrated + emo, WHO THE FORK is cursing me!

Here comes the interesting part, I was having my semi-burnt breakfast while checking my blog for comments. At first I was pretty pleased to see that quite a number of people actually enjoyed the last story. Thanks everybody for taking the time to drop by my blog! BUT, the inevitable came as you can see in the chat box: Tommy did come and read it. No wonder the guys told me that Tommy didn't want to Dota yesterday. His msn personal message even writes "Blogging Day". He was renovating his previously dead blog! He was out for revenge! He was the one who was cursing me! So I went and checked out his blog and my expression was, you all have to say it with me, D-A B-E L-I-U T-E-E E-F!!! You all can check it out and tell me what's so WTF about it.

Now for the educational + ironic part. Upon seeing his blog, I remembered reading about something on plagiarism recently in Xiaxue's Blog. So I went and checked it out. I was scrolling down her blog and when i found it I was really LAUGHING MY EMO ASS OFF! I'm not gonna post it here because I would be plagiarising as well and Plagiarism is tantamount to stealing. All I can say is that the post was from July 26, 2008 and try to look out for examples of plagiarism. I'm sure you all will have a friggin good laugh as well ;) MUST READ!

Anyway, it's now 9.13 A.M. and I can't help but wonder, who else is awake? According to my messenger, everybody seems to be still fast asleep. Well, hope you all had fun reading this post (If you're Tommy, mai dulan, joking nia =) ). Have a nice day people!

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